+45 33 75 10 00



This test requires a blood draw, so please ensure you can refer to a phlebotomist in the clients area before you order this test.

Elispot looks at the T cell response and IGG/IGM looks at B cells/Antibodies. 

Some people don't produce antibodies and have a more active T cell response. 

In an ideal world to assess an infection, a practitioner should look at both sides of the immune system response, in other words, Eli-spot for the T cells/cellular response and IGG/IGM for humoral/B cell/antibody response.

To check for an active infection with the T cells, the Elispot is recommended.

The Ehrlichia Elispot test is designed to detect the tick-transmitted Ehrlichia/Anaplasma bacteria, which can cause fever- and flu-like symptoms. Only some Ehrlichia/Anaplasma bacteria infections are severe however; most have a harmless disease progression. The number of chronic Ehrlichia infections is still unknown.

Ehrlichia bacteria used to be grouped as Rickettsiosis, but now it is recognised as a disease pattern of its own. The bacteria type Ehrlichia can be transmitted to humans by ticks. Severe progression of the infection can also cause myalgia; liver and kidney dysfunctions; as well as meningitis.


  • to diagnose an active Ehrlichia/Anaplasma infection
  • to determine the duration of therapy
  • to monitor treatment results after a Ehrlichia/Anaplasma therapy