+45 33 75 10 00



This test requires a blood draw, so please ensure you can refer to a phlebotomist in the clients area before you order this test.

Elispot looks at the T cell response and IGG/IGM looks at B cells/Antibodies. 

Some people don't produce antibodies and have a more active T cell response. 

In an ideal world to assess an infection, a practitioner should look at both sides of the immune system response, in other words, Eli-spot for the T cells/cellular response and IGG/IGM for humoral/B cell/antibody response.

To check for recent antibodies (IGM) or past exposure antibodies (IGG) please run this test, but for the best overview of the immune system, combine it with the relevant Elispot test.

The Ehrlichia Antibodies test is designed to detect the tick-transmitted Ehrlichia/Anaplasma bacteria, which can cause fever- and flu-like symptoms. Only some Ehrlichia/Anaplasma bacteria infections are severe however; most have a harmless disease progression. The number of chronic Ehrlichia infections is still unknown.

Ehrlichia bacteria used to be grouped as Rickettsiosis, but now it is recognized as a disease pattern of its own. The bacteria type Ehrlichia can be transmitted to humans by ticks. Severe progression of the infection can also cause myalgia; liver and kidney dysfunctions; as well as meningitis.


  • to diagnose an active Ehrlichia/Anaplasma infection
  • to determine the duration of therapy
  • to monitor treatment results after a Ehrlichia/Anaplasma therapy